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Master Speakers (John Sih)

John Sih

John Sih has dedicated his life to the art of communication. As a certified Master Trainer and Facilitator, John boasts a wealth of experience, drawing wisdom from a spectrum of international Master Trainers, in addition to his impressive qualifications - an Honours Certificate in Public Speaking from the London College of Music and a Teaching and Performance Certificate from Trinity College.


His journey through the ranks of the Toastmasters saw him collecting a treasure trove of accolades. From being named the Best Impromptu and Prepared Speech speaker to clinching the title of Toastmaster of the Year in 1994, John's journey was marked by a series of triumphs. Today, he is a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM), a title that echoes his excellence in communication and leadership.


And if you think that's all John has to offer, you're in for a surprise. Known as the "Laughter Guru of Singapore", John is a certified Laughter Yoga Instructor who infuses his sessions with delightful, healthful laughter. As a body language expert, he's often compared to his mentor, earning him the title of Singapore's Allan Pease.


John doesn't just train speakers - he crafts orators. Known for his ability to transform raw potential into polished performance, John's approach is akin to that of a sculptor, meticulously chiseling away to reveal the Master Speaker within each individual.

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